We are a community of volunteers. If you would like to contribute either with time or money, please contact Minyan Tikvah at info@minyantikvah.org. Every contribution is helpful.
Here are some ideas (but if you have other ideas or would like to be involved in a different way, we’d still love to hear from you):
- Sponsor kiddush
- Volunteer to read Torah, lead services, or share words of Torah. If you don’t know how and want to learn, we’re happy to help!
- Arrive on time to ensure that we have a minyan (quorum of 10 Jewish adults)
- Help with setup and clean up on minyan days
- Join the Organizing Committee
- Join one of our sub-committees (food, holidays, education, hospitality, etc.)
- Support us financially by donating to Minyan Tikvah. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations go towards the costs of running our services and other events.