Minyan Tikvah occasionally hosts services on Jewish Holidays. See the calendar for details.
In 2022 we met for Purim and Passover.
In 2021 we met for morning services on both Sukkot and Hanukkah.
In 2020 we met on Purim before putting in-person events on pause due to COVID-19.
In 2019, we held a Purim afternoon megillah reading and seudah (festive meal) with karaoke, as well as morning services on Passover and Sukkot. In 2018, we held a Purim evening service and seudah with karaoke, as well as morning services on Passover and Sukkot. In 2017, we held a Purim morning service and seudah, as well as morning services with lunch and learn on Sukkot.
In the past Minyan Tikvah has held Yom Kippur services, but Minyan Tikvah has NOT held Yom Kippur services since 2015.